Welcome to RuneGlory
RSPS Taken to another level.
RuneGlory is the longest active RSPS server. With over 8 years online offering very high quality content to players, you can expect to see frequent unique content available only here.
We know what we are doing!
Runescape Private Server
Runescape private servers are community made versions of Runescape.
It provides an alternative and customized way of experiencing the RuneScape world.
A way to emulate players preferred game experience and bring back the nostalgia feeling of the very good old times.
As it became bigger, some people started seeing private servers as a business...
However, here at RuneGlory it's just for the passion of developing unique and professional
quality content. We love to see our community enjoying RuneGlory and giving us feedback.
Our passion for RuneScape is what keeps us alive...
And our community is just like a family, anyone is welcome!
Check out our awesome trailer below to see what makes RuneGlory different from any other RSPS!
Our tournament system is very unique and professional! It updates scores in real time and automatically rewards the players every sunday!
PK Tournament
PK Tournaments can be started by any player, there are several kind of tournament types every tournament type provides the same preset to all players The winner takes the event pot!
Spectable duels! Awesome champions arena!
PvP & Skilling
Tournaments with in-game and OSRS coins rewards that can be exchanged on OSRS! Rewards are given up to 10th position!
Player Killing tournament rewards OSRS weekly
Champions from the previous tournament will have a head icon to show-off their skills!
Tournament champions will render an icon over their head.
Player Killing is one of the main aspects of the game! Our combat system is the most flawless out there!
Instant PK
If you would like to join and go straight into Wilderness, we allow you to set your combat levels and get free supplies!
Supply table allows you to get PK Supplies for free, set free presets and repair degraded chaotic equipments.
Bounty Hunter
Targets are assigned in the wilderness and upon killing a target, players receive various rewards.

Wilderness target system, provides extra rewards for EP, updates PvP rank every kill.
PK Rewards
Gain rewards by killing any player at wilderness! You can get the most expensive items by simply killing a player!

Player Killing Pot
Players can donate coins to the Charity Well and raise the PK Pot. A percentage of the PK Pot is rewarded every time a player is killed at Wilderness!

Get a fraction of current PK pot every time you kill a target at the wilderness! You can check the current PK pot size from the quest tab!
Skull Types
There are two new different types of skull that players can toggle.

A nurse is available near Edgeville wilderness! The nurse will restore all your stats and timers!

Just like our Player Killing system, the PvM was really taken care of to become perfect. We grant the most advanced bosses mechanics with real challenges and great rewards!
The Great Olm
Fight against The Great Olm with all of its mechanics fully complete! And get the most powerful items!

We have a huge collection of well working and challenging bosses available with unique drops!

Combat Achievements
Complete all the combat achievements to unlock awesome perks!
We offer over a hundred of achievements tasks with four different difficulties!
Can you beat inferno? Then come unlock the best cape! We provide 100% complete Inferno waves and experience!
Collection Logs
We provide a huge amount of category for Item Collection logs!

Kill Tracker
Track monsters kill count and fastest kill time!

Keep track of over 50 monsters kill progress!
Drop Table
Easily check monster drops and find items!
Search for a drop table on a specific monster!
As one of the three pillars of most relevant content, we took care to revolutionize how skilling work. Our focus is to provide a long-term entertainment to skillers and balanced rewards compared to other activities.
Slaying is one of the most profitable activities! Starters can type ::gotask to teleport straight to the current task!
Spending your slayer points on Vine Whip and Perfect dragon scales will make you billions!
Prestige system makes skilling very profitable! Players can max all noncombat skills reset them for prestiging up to 20 times. 1,000 prestige points will be earned for every hour skilling. Whenever another player prestige up, everyone online gets prestiges points in a big commemoration! You can spend your prestige points in the prestige store for the best equipments!

Skill Guider
We provide in-game skills training statistics tracking, guides and tips!
Easily figure out the fastest way to reach the next level!
Resources gathering
Resources have value in our game as skilling is a very profitable activity.

Adamantile ore
Obtainable from mining.

Runite ore
Obtainable from mining.

Adamant bar
Obtainable from smithing.

Rune bar
Obtainable from smithing.

Maple logs
Obtainable from woodcutting.

Yew logs
Obtainable from woodcutting.

Magic logs
Obtainable from woodcutting.

Dragon bones
Obtainable from dragons.

Frost dragon bones
Obtainable from Frost dragons.

Zogre bones
Obtainable from Mutant Tarn.

Slayer VIP ticket
Obtainable from slayer kills.

Raw shark
Obtainable from fishing.

Raw manta ray
Obtainable from fishing.

Raw rocktail
Obtainable from fishing.

Raw karambwan
Obtainable from wilderness fishing.

Blood coins
Obtainable from wilderness slaying.

Uncut onix
Obtainable from thieving.

Pure essence
Obtainable from mining.

Air rune
Obtainable from runecrafting.

Fire Rune
Obtainable from runecrafting.

Water Rune
Obtainable from runecrafting.

Death Rune
Obtainable from runecrafting.

Astral Rune
Obtainable from runecrafting.

Blood Rune
Obtainable from runecrafting.
Drop Parties
Every weekend game will automatically perform drop parties at 10:00 AM and 18:00 PM UTC! Game will host 5m OSRS and many more expensive items! However many other items are donated by players!
Weekend Drop Party
Every weekend server will perform 4 drop party events with the items deposited by players on the chest!
Deposit items into the chest for the next drop party and gain Party Points to spend on Party Pete store for awesome unique items!
Trading Post
The market is what makes the game interesting. Hence why we provide the most advanced trading mechanic out there, check it out!
Player Owned Shop
Sale the items on a very advanced Player Owned Shop system!
Verify the latest available items on the Player Owned Shop!
Do you love gambling? Then you'll love the most advanced gambling system that you will ever see.
Gambling Modes
Choose between a big collection of available gambling games!
We provide many different game modes and settings to customize the round rules! Our gambling system is 100% safe from scamming!
As another very important aspect of the game, we are proud to provide a very smooth staking experience!
Duel Arena
Stake lovers will have fun at our flaweless Duel Arena system! With presets, no PID and duel resume on disconnect!

Custom rule allows players to choose a single weapon that can be used during the duel!
Clue Scrolls
We have a very complete clue scroll system with all puzzle challenges and over 150 tasks!
Treasure Trial Tasks
Go through many different kind of tasks to find a casket!
Solve many different puzzle challenges!
The treasure trials caskets rewards hundred of different items, some very expensive ones!
We also play a big role on minigame quality and uniqueness!
Weapon Game
Weapon Game was the most successful RSPS minigame, originally created by us.

We have had over 150 players playing Weapon Game simultaneously!
Castle Wars
Our castle wars has all the functionalities working! This is the most complete Castle Wars you will see in the RSPS scene!
The team to beat the boss in the center gets the perk!
Shooting Stars
Spot and mine crashed stars and gain rewards!

We are up to date! And we were the first to implement discord with in-game!
Join us
Join our discord and interact with our community! Players can help you if you have any question!
Discord Features
Join our discord and gain rewards in-game!
Type !daily in our discord for a daily reward in-game!
Vote Rewards
Voting is one of the most important contributions players can make! Hence why we are very generous when rewarding players for helping!
Voting Rewards
There are plenty of rewards given to players on voting!

Pets are cute! And also a huge achievement here on RuneGlory! Many pets are available!
Boss & Skilling pets
We have countless rare pets!

Unlock-able pets
Unlock many boss pets as you progress on kill tasks, we have hundreds of pets!

Game Stores
Have a sneak of our in-game stores!
Available Stores
Our stores provides rewards for diverse activities such as voting, pking, skilling, training and general game participation!
Spend your PK points earned upon PvP kills!
Premium Chests
Have fun with our Premium Chests and have a chance to gain an insane reward!
Premium chest tiers
The chests can be obtained by donating. It's the best way to make money! You can get one drop of each available tier from a single chest!

Game Content
Take a look at the amount of high quality content that we provide!
We have the most advanced bank system. Totally flaweless and full of features! Right click the first tab to take a screen shot!
You can have up to 20 tabs to organize your items as you wish!
Reward Table
Keep up with the items and rarity of many activity reward!

Discover how frequently the item that you want is rewarded!
Reaper Collection
Recover your untradables lost upon death!

Talk to the reaper at Edgeville and purchase back your untradables lost on death with soul points! You can request the Reaper to automatically keep your untradables upon death!
Key Binding
Use your keyboard actions exactly as you want!

With our key binding system you can have many extra features available!
Yell customizer
Completely customize your yell text as you want!

RuneGlory was the first to invent yell customizing feature!
Our notification system will always keep you on track with the latest news!

Easily access game news and personal reminders.
Item Recoloring
We have a very advanced system that permits us to allow any item to be recolored.
Right click "customize" and set your item color as you want!
Custom Titles
Nearly 200 custom titles within 8 categories available!
Unlock and show-off your custom titles!
In-game scores
Players highscores available from an in-game interface!

In-game highscores including live scores that resets automatically and rewards winners automatically!
Over one hundred tasks available with great reawards!
Complete all tasks to achieve the completionist cape and get awesome rewards!
We have many interesting items with specific purposes!
Game Special Items
We have lots of special and valuable items, take a look!

Donator Ticket
Allows to claim 30 days of donator rank.

Super Donator ticket
Allows to claim 30 days of super donator rank.

Slayer VIP Ticket
Allows to choose a new slayer task.

Wilderness Blocking ticket
Block a player from attacking you at wilderness for 6 hours.

Vote Ticket
Claim one vote point per ticket.

Squeal of Fortune ticket
Claims squeal of fortune credits.

OSRS Tokens
Each token can be exchanged for 1m OSRS

Aggression potion
All monsters become aggressive.

Premium Ticket
Tradable tickets that rewards premium points.

Skilling skip ticket
Allows to skip the current skilling task.
Game Settings
Every player has personal preferences! And we provide options!
Lots of things are highly customizable in the game!
You can save up to 4 accounts in your login screen!
Future Updates
Better than our current content is our future update plans!
Awesome plans
Better than our content is our future updates plans!
Clan system will be huge, with clan wars, clan tournament, clan citatels, clan PvM, clan Slayer, clan skilling and unique clan shops!
Starting Guide
Starting as a brand new player can be tricky given our huge amount of features. We want to make this step as smooth as possible. As you log-in, you'll have access to many guides on how to become a master! We are sure that when you give it a shot, you will love it!

Sir Vant Combat Training Dungeon
Training Dungeon is the most important step to start advancing in the game. You will have lots of fun with the special effects such as Blow Hits, Instant Kills and Burn area. You can also use the points to easily get initial items such as Barrows Gloves, Berserker Ring, Fighter Torso, Abyssal Whip and Dragon defender! Task: Kill 350 assigned targets. Reward: 100m for reaching 350 kills and up to 250m coins during the progress!

Get 3 kill streaks and unlock special effects such as Instant Kill, Max hit only, Invincibility, Blow Damage, Burn Damage, Faster Attacks, Infinite Special and more!

You get 5 points per assignment kill. You will be able to easily purchase really good starting items!

Slayer is very profitable as it allows you to unlock monsters with exclusive loot and gives access to items not dropped anywhere else in the game. Spending your gained slayer points on the slayer shop is a great way to make a good amount of money. Bonus points are rewarded for every 10th and 50th task streak, with higher level slayer masters giving the most points!
Blood Keys
Obtain blood and bloodier keys from wilderness slayer task monsters and wilderness bosses!

Open blood chests and some of the best in-game items as rewards!
Profitable Slaying Loots

Dragon Bones

Frost Dragon Bones

Tooth half of a key

Loop half of a key

Slayer VIP ticket

Bloody key

Bloodier key

Whip vine
Slayer Shop

Spend your earned slayer points on some really expensive items!
Valuable shop items

Vine Whip

Perfect dragon scale

Zamorakian Hasta


Skilling is very profitable with our Prestige system as players restart their levels to scratch making grinded resources really valuable. Prestiging up will reward you 100M of coins for each prestige level that you have. You can spend prestige and skilling shop on stores for a really good profit!

Voting is the easiest way to make some initial money. You can get over 20M coins for 3 minutes of voting! When voting you will be rewarded with: Tradable vote tickets, Squeal of Fortune ticket, Vote streak points, Activity reward, Participation Points, Soul Points, Vote lottery insertion and you may gain $50 in premium points!
Possible voting rewards

50K Premium Points

Voting tickets

Squeal of Fortune ticket

Boxing Gloves

Boxing Gloves

Bosses drop awesome items! You can also obtain constant money from other monsters as well.

Mutant Tarn
Mutant Tarn boss drops Zogre bones that are very valuable!

Zogre bones

Dragons are a reliable source of income! Bonesack will speed up your bones gathering! While Green dragons are very weak, Frost Dragons are really profitable!

Dragon bones

Frost dragon bones

Wilderness Bosses
Along with very expensive drops,wilderness bosses reward constant Blood Coins which are very valuable!

Blood coins
Play Now
Select a game client compactible with your Operating System and start your adventure!
You will be playing in no time!